- Office of Academic Affairs
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- Primary Care Specialties
Primary Care Specialties
Family Medicine
The patient-physician relationship in the context of the family distinguishes family medicine from other specialties. The family physician's care is both personal and comprehensive, caring for all ages, organ systems, both sexes and type of problem, be it biological, behavioral or social. This care is based on knowledge of the patient in the context of the family and the community, emphasizing disease prevention and health promotion. When referral is indicated, the family physician remains the coordinator of the patient's health care in both inpatient and outpatient settings.
Sample 3-year residency program
PGY-1 year
- Medicine - 4 months
- Family Medicine service (Baptist Medical Center) - 2 months
- Med/Psych (UMMC) - 1 month
- Intensive care - 1 month
- Outpatient/community medicine - 1 month
- Obstetrics/gynecology - 1 month
- OB Suite (UMMC)
- Pediatrics - 3 months
- Wards (UMMC) - 1 month
- ER (UMMC) - 1 month
- Nursery (UMMC) - 1 month
- Emergency medicine - 1 month
- Adult ER (UMMC)
- Sports medicine - 1 month
- Rural medicine - 1 month
PGY-2 year
- Family medicine (Baptist Medical Center) - 2 months
- Ambulatory psychiatry
- Radiology - 2 weeks
- Ophthalmology - 2 weeks
- Obstetrics (community)
- Orthopedics
- General surgery
- Pediatric outpatient (UMMC)
- Women's health
- Otolaryngology (ENT)
- Elective - 2 months
PGY-3 year
- Ambulatory care (Includes practice management curriculum and school and college health at Millsaps Clinic and Mississippi School for the Blind and Deaf)
- General surgery
- Cardiology
- Pulmonary
- Neurology/urology
- Family medicine (Baptist Medical Center) - 2 months
- Dermatology
- Nephrology
- Elective
- Elective
- Emergency medicine
- Rural medicine
- Sports medicine
- International medicine
- Nephrology
- Rheumatology
- Endocrinology
- Research
- GI medicine
- Lactation medicine\
- Additional experience in most any area of resident interest
*One elective in the PGY-3 year may be used as an out-of-town experience.
Note: All PGY-2 and 3 experiences are community/private practice unless specified.
Nursing homes
Second- and third-year residents provide continuity of care to patients at a nursing home in the Jackson area. Residents make monthly teaching and patient care rounds with program faculty. Monthly educational presentations are done on topics pertinent to care of the older adult.
Core curriculum conferences are presented every Friday afternoon. These include a variety of lecture, discussion and workshop formats. Residents are involved in presenting journal club, case presentations and senior conferences.
Procedure training
Procedure workshops are held throughout the residency. These include workshops on flexible sigmoidoscopy, colposcopy, fine needle aspiration of masses, joint injections and splinting and casting. Experience in colonoscopy, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, exercise treadmill testing and operative obstetrics is offered electively.
Special program components
Our program serves as primary physicians for students at both the Mississippi School for the Blind and Deaf and Millsaps College, both located close to the UMMC campus. Residents attend to students' needs at on-site medical clinics on a rotational basis. Students from any school requiring more extensive care are seen in our residency clinics.